Tax authorities in Poland imposed an obligation upon legal entities to verify bank accounts belonging to third parties at the moment of payment as well as an obligation to keep data confirming this verification. The White List regulations are due on September 1st 2019. Starting from this date, a list of the taxpayers is available under the service provided by the National Tax Administration (Krajowa Administracja Skarbowa). When a legal entity carries out a payment on a bank account other than the one listed under the White List register, a penalty will be imposed over this entity. This penalty will be imposed starting from January 1st 2020.
XELTO has introduced a solution designed to maintain White List data for Oracle JD Edwards system.
Solution benefits:
· The solution is entirely handled by Oracle JD Edwards system.
· Is complete (the functionality works on JD Edwards system data and the results are registered in the JD Edwards system).
· Is functional (you can start verification process from the payment group level or open liabilities level)
· Is efficient (in case of negative verification, payment orders can be blocked)
· The solution does not interfere with any other settings of Oracle JD Edwards system.
· Is safe and user friendly
· Is up to date (adjustment to the possible changes in the legislation is a part of technical support)
We invite you to buy the solution provided by XELTO.
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XELTO Sp. z o.o. I Headquarters
ul. Winogrady 18, 61-663 Poznań, Poland
Tax ID: 972-12-43-826 REGON: 302415061
National Court Register number (KRS): 0000472643
XELTO Sp. z o.o. Warsaw office
ul. Staniewicka 18, 03-310 Warszawa
Phone: +48 608 92 00 33

Sales: sales@xelto.com
Helpdesk: support@xelto.com
Administration: xelto@xelto.com
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