Forbes published an interesting piece about JD Edwards EnterpriseOne, trying to explain why it is recognized among the leaders on the consecutive lists published by consulting firms.
As a reminder, JD Edwards was considered a market leader by Nucleus Research. In its recent paper, this organization expressed special appreciation of the latest enhancements of user interface. To download the Nucleus report, use the link below:
User interface was the aspect that Forbes’ piece pointed as the key feature of an ERP system, probably because the “leading” systems have relatively similar functionalities. In today’s world of community media and mobile devices, a user interface must comply with certain specific requirements to match the users’ needs.
Certainly, UI must be user friendly and should work efficiently on PCs as well as mobile devices. This should be complemented with real-time data reporting. Users should also remember about personalization, i.e. adapting the utility to their own needs, without IT department involvement.
All these requirements are fulfilled by the most recent version of JD Edwards EnterpriseOne, which offers both innovative personalization options (e.g. new user menu of E1 Pages, options to combine various screen formats in Cafe One), an advanced reporting tool (OneView Reporting), and system access via mobile devices (full support of iPad).
We hope that the above mentioned trends will be employed to an even greater extent in the following JD Edwards updates.
To read the full article, go to: